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We have been responsible on several occasions for the design, implementation, in-house setup and management of the catering and entertainment activities of Hospitality areas and the artistic coordination of the respective gala dinners: for the Dubai Racing Club for the 2021 World Young Horse Endurance Championship in Sardinia, for 12 gala dinners of the 2022 and 2023 Charing Golf Tour and the Gran Risa Chalet for Audi Ski World Cup 2023 in Alta Badia.

We Are Production accompanies you through all the steps that lead YOUR event to be a successful one, for the happiness of the participants and for that of the partners.

We are a Team of professionals who have been working in the world of sports, music and radio entertainment for over 20 years.

Let’s create your event

Let’s create your event

All happenings are events, but not all happenings are successful events!